No-Till Farmer

Syngenta Receives EPA Registration for Solatenol Fungicide

September 2, 2015

Source: Syngenta 

Syngenta announced today that its newest succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) fungicide — Solatenol — has received registration from the EPA and is now available in four product offerings, pending individual state registrations. 

According to the company, Solatenol fungicide offers U.S. growers of a dozen major crops a new option for disease control through several features, including:

  • The most potent SDHI available with longer-lasting residual control
  • Broad-spectrum control of profit-robbing foliar diseases and soil pathogens, such as rusts, Septoria, leaf spots, Southern stem rot (white mold), apple scab, powdery mildew, early blight and Rhizoctonia
  • Flexible application timing and tank-mix compatibility for optimum crop safety and resistance management benefits

For corn, soybean and wheat growers, Solatenol will be marketed as Trivapro fungicide, a product that combines the power of three active ingredients — Solatenol, azoxystrobin andpropiconazole — to provide three dimensions of protection against disease. 

The fungicide works by protecting new growth through xylem mobility, creating a disease shield with translaminar movement, and binding to the waxy layer for extended stay-put protection. In corn, it protects against common rust, Southern rust, Northern corn leaf blight and gray leaf spot. For soybeans it controls frogeye leafspot, brown spot, aerial web blight and anthracnose. It also protects against leaf rust, stripe rust, stem rust, Septoria, glue blotch, kernel blight and powdery mildew in wheat.

Syngenta says that in recent field trials, disease incidence data illustrated an average 14.5% less gray leaf spot incidence in corn treated with Trivapro vs. current standards, and 3.3% less common rust incidence. 

In fruiting vegetables and cucurbits, Syngenta will sell Aprovia Top fungicide, a product combining Solatenol fungicide and difenoconazole. Aprovia Top helps maximize yield potential and crop quality by providing long-lasting residual control and ability to move throughout sprayed leaves. By using two modes of action, it also provides resistance management.  

In curcurbits, Aprovia Top controls powdery mildew and gummy stem blight, while it controls Septoria, Alternaria, anthracnose and powdery mildew in tomatoes.