Dow Introduces New Corn Herbicide
Source: Dow AgroSciences
Dow AgroSciences announced that its new corn herbicide, previously referred to as GF-3471, will be named Resicore herbicide. Registration for this herbicide is expected in 2016.
“Resicore is designed to control weeds throughout the season,” says Luke Peters, corn herbicides product manager. “It will provide trusted residual control, resistance management and resounding yield potential as the core of growers’ weed control programs.”
Resicore will help growers control herbicide-resistant weeds through three non-glyphosate and non-atrazine modes of action. The active ingredients included in this novel formulation are acetochlor, mesotrione and clopyralid. Resicore is expected to offer flexible application timing from pre-plant to early post-emergence.
In 2014 trials, Resicore herbicide had a 97% efficacy rating on many common weeds found in Midwest fields such as waterhemp, marestail, giant ragweed and Palmer amaranth.