No-Till Farmer

Cover Crops Seed Product Roundup 2013

The latest cover crop seed offerings from some of the industry's leading suppliers.

May 5, 2013
Brought to you by:   No-Till Farmer  Strip-Till Farmer  Dryland No-Tiller

Bounty Annual Ryegrass From Saddle Butte Ag

Bounty has proven on thousands of acres to be the better annual ryegrass for winter survival and deep rooting. Bounty is easily established and can be aerialseeded in standing crop (preferred method), drilled or broadcast. Bounty is an exclusive variety of Saddle Butte Ag Inc.

Bounty will:

  • Lift organic matter
  • Increase water infiltration
  • Improve erosion control
  • Reduce soybean cysts nematodes egg counts
  • Significantly raise corn and soybean yields, especially during stress years.

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KB Seed Solutions Royal Annual Ryegrass

If you are considering planting a cover crop, consider KB Seed Solutions annual ryegrass. KB Royal annual ryegrass will improve the health and nutrient value of your soil. Deep-rooting ryegrass scavenges and holds nitrogen for future crops, which means bigger profits. Even during dry seasons, KB Royal promotes larger yields due to deep rooting that creates channels for crop roots to easily follow. KB Seed Solutions does more than provide you with seed. Our leadership and knowledge will help you integrate cover crops into your operation.

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Tillage Radish® From Cover Crop Solutions

Tillage Radish®, voted 2012 Product of the Year by No-Till Farmer readers, is proven to increase yields and improve soil health as demonstrated by multiyear field studies and university research. Certified seed ensures consistent, superior genetic purity is delivered to farmers, including the 30-inch-plus singular taproot that breaks up compaction, captures and releases nutrients, and enhances moisture absorption.

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Byron Seeds

Byron Seeds is a farmer owned and farmer operated premium forage seed distribution company based in Rockville, Ind. Byron Seeds' main focus is educating farmers with livestock or row crops on sustainable farming practices, while increasing soil health with cropping rotations and the use of cover crops. We have vast experience with cover crops on our own farms. Byron Seeds has a dealer network throughout the Midwest with the experience, support and service to accommodate any size producer with cover crops.

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Smith Seed Services

Smith Seed Services has provided wholesale cover-crop seeds for more than 50 years. We have a full line of annual ryegrasses, clovers, vetches, peas (including Windham Winter pea), brassicas (including Mino Early radish), buckwheat, oats and more. Our coating services are second to none, using our NitroCoat™ technology and a state-of-the-art coating facility. Contract seed-production services are also available. Finally, we have an extensive distribution system and can provide your cover-crop needs from start to finish. Learn more about our company and the advantages of coated seed for cover crops at

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Quality Seed From Kauffman Seeds

Kauffman Seeds, Inc. is devoted to no-tillers by selecting cover-crop species that will not just grow and work in our environment, but will work in yours. We don’t have fancy names to catch your eye, but we think our pricing will. We sell several branded items, but we make sure they will grow in the environment in which we have placed them. Our focus is ensuring the seed that we sell is the best value for the money you spend. Whether it is a few pounds or several truck loads, we are here to serve you at (800) 634-2836.

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AU Golden Sunn Hemp From Soil PhD

This newly released, improved variety of sunn hemp developed by Auburn University is excellent for building up soils. This warm-season annual legume will grow to 6 to 8 feet in 60 to 75 days, fix 120 to 150 units of nitrogen and produce 4 to 5 tons of biomass per acre. AU Golden’s improved genetics will suppress nematodes and smother out weeds. AU Golden’s forage is also non-toxic to livestock and wildlife.

  • AU Golden is the only blue-tag-certified sunn hemp seed produced in the continental U.S.
  • Exclusively licensed to Desert Sun Marketing Co. under its Soil PhD Cover Crop product line.

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GS3 Quality Seed – First Choice For Cover Crops

GS3 Quality Seed and our premium dealers should be your first choice for cover-crop products that provide you with the value and performance you need. Our proven NitroRadish will benefit your soils with its ability to break up hardpans, increase organic matter, scavenge nutrients and improve your yields. New for this year is our “TNT” Vetch. This variety was selected for winter hardiness and its ability to produce large amounts of nitrogen. Availability is limited, so check our website for a dealer near you.

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N-Vest® Cover Crop Mixtures from Cisco Seeds

The drought of 2012 showed us the advantage that N-Vest® cover crops bring to your farm. Along with a tremendous increase in soil-microbial activity, nutrient sequestration and an increase in organic matter, we witnessed one of the biggest attributes of cover crops – a tremendous increase in soil percolation, or the ability of the soil to absorb and utilize water, instead of running off. How important is this in July? Yield increases of 20% and more were noted in fields with cover crop vs. adjacent non-cover crop fields. Order your N-Vest® cover crops today to guarantee supply and price!

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Soil First™ Cover Crop Seed From La Crosse Forage & Turf Seed

The Soil First™ approach is a total solution for managing soil health on the farm. Combined with solid advice on what to plant and how to manage it, you can count on the Soil First™ product line to help you reach your production goals. With over 65 years in the seed business, La Crosse Forage & Turf Seed understands that selling seed is only one part of the equation, and that is why they strive to be your ultimate resource for cover-crop decisions. We invite you to think “Soil First” when you’re making your cover-crop planting decisions.

Click for more information.