Regularly Cleaning Agricultural Equipment Combats Spread Of Weeds
When talking about fighting herbicide-resistant weeds, experts usually emphasize the ways growers should manage weeds in the field from planting to harvest. But one integral part of weed management often overlooked is regularly cleaning agricultural equipment.
The latest issue of Thrive magazine by Syngenta takes a look at the importance of cleaning equipment on a farm or retail business and how this one step can drastically reduce the spread of herbicide-resistant weeds.
“Where farmers used to spend $6 an acre on weed control, they’re now spending $60 an acre,” the article entitled “Clean Machines” explains. “A major cause is residue on farming machinery moving across fields, counties and states, which is why no one should overlook the importance of cleaning” such equipment.
In the article, Craig Abell, Syngenta crop specialist, notes that harvesting equipment is the most common culprit. He offers these simple cleaning tips:
- Rake loose residue off the machine, especially in the throat and the back side;
- Blow off the equipment with an air compressor or leaf blower; and
- Pressure wash the equipment.
The article offers a host of other tips for managing weeds through the proper care of equipment – including a couple of suggestions that may surprise you. Check out the latest issue of Thrive to find out more.