Keys To Early-Season Corn Fungicide Applications
Foliar fungicide applications can be an important component of an effective corn disease management strategy.
The economic value of a fungicide treatment varies depending on disease pressure, hybrid susceptibility, production practices, weather conditions and corn prices.
Research has shown that the optimum timing for a foliar fungicide application in corn is between tasseling (VT) and brown silk (R2).
Tank mixing with a post-emergence herbicide application applied at V5 to V6 is a convenient, low-cost way to apply a fungicide. However, most fungal diseases are not present until later in the growing season.
Research thus far generally has not shown a cost-effective yield benefit to early fungicide applications, either alone or in conjunction with a post-tasseling application.
Fungicide resistance prevention also should be considered in treatment decisions. The strobilurin class of fungicides is considered high risk for resistance development in
fungal species.
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