[Video] No-Till Innovator Jim Hoorman Breaks Down Biologicals, Micronutrients & More
Biological products are often referred to as the “Wild West” of farming — inputs with a lot of potential but little regulation. Independent soil health specialist and No-Till Innovator Jim Hoorman will help no-tillers understand the dynamics of biologicals and how they interact in your soils during the 2025 National No-Tillage Conference.
In this conversation with No-Till Farmer technology editor Noah Newman, Hoorman shares some of the key points he plans to cover during his classroom presentation, “Making Sense of Biologicals,” and also his general session, “Digging Deep into Nutrient Content & Function.”
The 2025 National No-Tillage Conference takes place Jan. 7-10 in Louisville, Ky. Head to NoTillConference.com or more information and to reserve your spot!