Maryland No-Tiller Achieves Highest No-Till Yield in 2022 NCGA Contest
Drew Haines of Middletown, Md., raised 384.8 bushel corn.
Maryland no-tiller Drew Haines achieved the highest no-till corn yield in the National Corn Growers Assn. (NCGA)'s 2022 National Corn Yield Contest, raising 384.8359-bushel corn.
The NCGA announced the 2022 national and state winners Dec. 14. Haines's yield was the highest among the no-till categories. He competed in No-Till Non-Irrigated Class C, which encompasses growers from states outside of the Corn Belt. The NCGA's Corn Belt categories include farmers in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio and Wisconsin.
Haines no-tilled DeKalb hybrid DKC68-69RIB. His yield was the second-highest reported in the contest. The highest yield of the 2022 contest went to Heath A. Cutrell of Chesapeake, Va. He grew 394-bushel corn in a conventional non-irrigated field.
2022 National No-Till Contest Results
Topping the No-Till Non-Irrigated category for the Corn Belt states was Nikia Kalb of Dubois, Ind., who raised 355.7383 bushel corn. Kalb no-tilled DeKalb hybrid number DKC67-94RIB for the contest plot. Dubois, Ind., no-tillers Shawn Kalb and Rhylan Kalb came in second and third place in the No-Till Non-Irrigated category, raising 350.0314 and 350.0301 bushel corn. Shawn planted DeKalb DKC70-27RIB, and Rhylan planted DKC65-99RIB.
Mike Scholting of Louisville, Neb., and Marvin and Glenn Wiles of Plattsmouth, Neb., took second and third place, respectively, to Haines. Scholting raised 322.4631-bushel corn and planted AgriGold A645-16VT2RIB. The Wileses achieved a 313.0475-bushel yield with DeKalb's DKC64-65RIB hybrid.
In the no-till irrigated category, John Panowicz of Cairo, Neb., took first place with 325.5161 bushels. He no-tilled Pioneer's P1742Q hybrid. Chad Rigdon of Jarrettsville, Md., followed with 324.0123-bushel corn. His contest plot hybrid was DeKalb DKC62-70. Spencer Sanderson of Madison, Ala., came in third in the national contest. His AgriGold A643-52VT2 hybrid produced 323.8221 bushel corn.
2022 State No-Till Contest Results
Some notable names among the state winners include:
- Angela "Annie" Dee of Aliceville, Ala., 263.7049 bushels (no-till irrigated)
- John Macauley of Mount Morris, N.Y., with 242.6139 bushels (no-till non-irrigated)
- David Wolfskill of Wernersville, Penn., with 300.8601 bushels (no-till non-irrigated)
- John Aeschliman of Colfax, Wash., with 86.6670 bushels (no-till non-irrigated)
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