No-Till Farmer

Beck's Expansion Covers All of Kansas

October 6, 2022

Beck’s has expanded its marketing area to encompass the entire state of Kansas, according to a company press release.

The expansion adds 4 million acres of corn and 1.8 million acres of soybeans to the current sales territory. Beck’s previous sales presence encompassed the eastern third of the state.

Area team leader Norm Hancock, regional agronomy manager Scott Dickey, seed advisors Christopher Bertelsen,  Kalen Cromwell, Cailynn Fedorkowicz, Cody Graham, Gary Hill, Mitchell Hisle, Daniel Kelly, Cody Schwartz, and  agronomists Wilson Henry and Celena Kipping will manage the expansion. The company is also planning to add more employees and dealers. 

Beck’s facilities in Effingham, Ill. and Goehner, Neb. will provide distribution and sales support for Kansas farmers. The Goehner and Effingham locations also conduct the widely read Practical Farm Research (PFR) studies.

Beck’s PFR evaluates management practices and technologies to determine how they will perform in various field conditions. The studies aim to provide farmers with unbiased agronomic information to increase profitability.

The company will add Beck’s Genetic Choice Trials aims to help growers choose hybrids specific to Kansas environments. This separate research program gives Beck’s farmers a list of high-performing products from multiple genetic suppliers at various maturity dates.

More information about Beck’s history, products, services, and dealer network, is available online or by phone at  800-937-2325. Kansas specific information is available from Norm Hancock at 812-206-3662.

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