No-Till Farmer
No-Till Passport Series
no-till corn

Which Countries Have the Most No-Till Acres?

Research ranks countries by the amount of cropland used for conservation agriculture.

February 28, 2022

Travel to just about any country in the world, and you’ll find farmers who are no-tilling. 

Amir Kassam, a professor at the University of Reading in England; Theodor Friedrich, a retired researcher with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; and Rolf Derpsch, a long-time no-till researcher based in South America, authored a paper examining the adoption of no-till worldwide over the 10-year period of 2008-09 through 2018-19.

They found that the number of conservation agriculture acres increased by 244.4 million acres worldwide to a total of 507.6 million acres. The U.S. has the highest number of acres (108.8 million), followed by Brazil with 106.2 million acres and Argentina with 81.3 million acres. The country with the fewest number of acres is Myanmar in Southeast Asia, reporting 49 acres total. 

Here’s the comprehensive list of no-till acres (also listed in hectares) by country:


Country 2018-19 Hectares 2018-19 Acres
USA 44,049,000 108,847,281
Brazil 43,000,000 106,255,150
Argentina 32,907,000 81,314,842
Australia 22,927,000 56,653,763
Canada 21,739,000 53,718,156
China 9,000,000 22,239,450
Russia 6,000,000 14,826,300
India 3,500,000 8,648,675
Paraguay 3,158,000 7,803,576
Kazakhstan 3,000,000 7,413,150
Bolivia 1,858,030 4,591,285
South Africa 1,607,080 3,971,175
Pakistan 1,320,000 3,261,786
Uruguay 1,278,000 3,158,002
Spain 1,000,000 2,471,050
Ukraine 900,000 2,223,945
France 720,000 1,779,156
Romania 583,820 1,442,648
UK 562,000 1,388,730
Zambia 552,670 1,365,675
Italy 432,000 1,067,494
Poland 403,180 996,278
Belarus 400,000 988,420
New Zealand 366,000 904,404
Slovakia 365,000 901,933
Germany 352,890 872,009
Venezuela 300,000 741,315
Iran 300,000 741,315
Mozambique 289,000 714,133
Ghana 235,000 580,697
Malawi 211,000 521,392
Chile 180,000 444,789
Moldova 180,000 444,789
Honduras 171,000 422,550
Mexico 149,220 368,730
Colombia 127,000 313,823
Finland 120,000 296,526
Uzbekistan 120,000 296,526
Greece 110,500 273,051
Zimbabwe 100,000 247,105
Turkey 100,000 247,105
Kyrgyzstan 60,000 148,263
Portugal 47,050 116,263
Estonia 42,140 104,130
Czech Republic 40,820 100,868
Denmark 38,500 95,135
Azerbaijan 37,500 92,664
Kenya 33,100 81,792
Tanzania 32,600 80,556
Syria 30,000 74,132
Austria 28,330 70,005
Sweden 26,000 64,247
Slovenia 26,000 64,247
Hungary 24,290 60,022
Korea, DPR 23,000 56,834
Lithuania 19,280 47,642
Croatia 18,540 45,813
Netherlands 17,500 43,243
Bulgaria 16,500 40,772
Tunisia 14,000 34,595
Morocco 12,830 31,704
Iraq 12,000 29,653
Latvia 11,340 28,022
Switzerland 11,020 27,231
Sudan 10,000 24,711
Guatemala 10,000 24,711
Madagascar 9,000 22,239
Uganda 7,800 19,274
Malaysia 7,500 18,533
Ethiopia 7,500 18,533
Algeria 7,000 17,297
Philippines 6,750 16,680
Tajikistan 5,000 12,355
Niger 5,000 12,355
El Salvador 4,050 10,008
Ireland 3,660 9,044
Peru 2,890 7,141
DR Congo 2,060 5,090
Lesotho 2,000 4,942
Cameroon 2,000 4,942
Bangladesh 1,500 3,707
Lebanon 1,200 2,965
Vietnam 1,000 2,471
Nepal 1,000 2,471
Burkina Faso 1,000 2,471
Timor Leste 1,000 2,471
Namibia 800 1,977
Swaziland 800 1,977
Cambodia 500 1,236
Laos 500 1,236
Luxemburg 440 1,087
Guinea 400 988
Armenia 300 741
Belgium 270 667
Cyprus 270 667
Rwanda 250 618
Nicaragua 210 519
Jordan 200 494
Burundi 200 494
Georgia 190 469
Sri Lanka 50 124
Myanmar 20 49
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The No-Till Passport series is brought to you by Martin Industries.

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Since 1991, Martin Industries has designed, manufactured and sold leading agriculture equipment across the U.S. and Canada. Known for Martin-Till planter attachments, the company has expanded to include a five-step planting system, closing wheel systems, twisted drag chains, fertilizer openers and more in their lineup. Their durable and reliable planter attachments are making it possible for more and more farmers to plant into higher levels of residue.

Michaela paukner

Michaela Paukner

Michaela Paukner was the managing editor of No-Till Farmer, Strip-Till Farmer and Cover Crop Strategies. Her previous journalism experience includes working as a reporter for a legal magazine and as a producer for two Wisconsin TV news stations. She has also worked with clients across the globe as a freelance writer and marketing consultant, and as a brand manager for a Wisconsin-based boutique marketing agency. She's a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.