No-Till Farmer
2020 National Cover Crop Summit: Fall Edition

Improving Soil Health Through Diverse Crop Rotations Including Covers

Cronin Farms agronomy manager, Dan Forgey, discusses integrating cover crops into crop rotations during the online National Cover Crop Summit: Fall 2020 Edition.

October 14, 2020

Diversifying crop rotations can offer significant positive results, improving soil health and boosting biological activity and nutrient cycling. Cronin Farms, a no-till operation based near Gettysburg, S.D., has crop rotations down to a science, including forages and cover crops.

Dan Forgey, pictured, serves as agronomy manager for Cronin Farms, which is owned by Monty and Mike Cronin. In 1993, Forgey and the Cronins transitioned the farm to no-till and established a rotational grazing system.


During the online National Cover Crop Summit: Fall 2020 Edition, Forgey will discuss how the operation rotates through crops of corn, spring wheat, winter wheat, sunflowers, soybeans, flax, field peas and lentils. Forgey’s presentation will address saving soil moisture through crop rotations, how crop residue provides nutrients for the next crop while protecting the ground, and how crop diversity helps control bugs and weeds.

The National Cover Crop Summit: Fall Edition will be held Nov. 17-18, 2020, through an interactive and educational online format that allows attendees to watch pre-recorded on-demand sessions at their convenience. It features a diverse learning program of speakers addressing cover crop topics including aerial seeding, feeding livestock cover crops through the winter, incorporating cover crops into crop rotations, and more.

To provide attendee with an educational experience to fit their specific needs and schedule, there are two registration options for this event:

Attendees can register for free and gain access to 6 National Cover Crop Summit presentations for 2 days only, November 17-18

A VIP upgrade is available for $49 and gives attendees 12 months of access to all 6 event presentations, access to top-rated sessions from past National Cover Crop Summits, plus a package of valuable attendee freebies including 4 cover crop management reports offering practical tips and ideas on a variety of critical cover crop topics. Registration and program details can be found here.

Title sponsors making the National Cover Crop Summit possible include Montag Mfg., Yetter Farm Equipment, KB Seed Solutions, Kelly Tillage System, MidWest Bio-Tech, and Underground Agriculture.