Precision Agriculture

[Video] Guardian Agriculture's Autonomous Electric Drone Sprayer

Introducing the new Guardian SC1, an autonomous, unmanned aerial sprayer from Guardian Agriculture. This all electric machine can carry a 50 gallon payload while covering approximately 40 acres in a day, with minimal downtime due to its battery power. Employing a Swiss army knife approach to drone application, the SC1 can spray a variety of crop types across seasons without being limited like other ground based sprayers.
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Precision Planting Launches Radicle Agronomics

Precision Planting announced the formation of Radicle Agronomics, a new generation of powerful tools for professional agronomics which enable them to discard manual and error-prone processes and, instead, focus their time on agronomics issues their farmer customers are facing. 

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Ahead of the Curve

On-the-Go Weed Control

Driven by increasing occurrences of herbicide resistance and a push to reduce pesticide use, the companies behind today’s weed control innovations are leveraging everything from artificial intelligence to lasers to drones to target weeds where they grow.
Folks interested in the future of agricultural weed control are spending a lot of time following the dollars being spent on precision technology and artificial intelligence (AI) as major farm equipment and chemical companies collaborate to improve the efficiency of their products.
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Auto-Steer, Field Mapping Most Popular Precision Technologies for No-Tillers

More than half of farmers who responded to the 14th annual No-Till Operational Benchmark Study plan to use auto-steer, field mapping and yield monitor data on their farms this year.
Use of precision agriculture technology continues to increase among no-till farmers, a demographic that experts say has a strong history as early adopters of farming technology
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Zeroing in on Nitrogen Efficiency with In-Season Adjustments

Whether using high-tech crop imagery or intuition, in-season nitrogen applications should be adjusted to the crop’s potential as well as future conditions for maximum yield and minimal risk.
With today's sky-high nitrogen (N) prices, nobody wants to apply more N to their crops than is needed. But on the other hand, commodities are commanding a pretty penny, so leaving yield on the table is also ill-advised.
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